Modern Asian Bedroom
Living Dead Girl created these pieces for TS2 and since the sincerest form of flattery is conversion I went ahead and did what I do best.
There are four pieces: A double bed, a single bed, an end table and a tall dresser, all in six colors, three of which are her original colors (with the textures smoothed a bit)
Also I’ll include my 8 Asian themed recolors of veranka-s4cc‘s Double Mattress
LexiconLuthor Modern Asian Bedroom (Mediafire)
LexiconLuthor Asian Beddings (Mediafire)
WCIF Info:
The second Japanese style wall was created by jappytobe (find it and other recolors here) Goldfish bedding is mine (here), Plain bedding belongs to veranka-s4cc (here), Pokemon decor belongs to winglysimmer (here). Converted Japanese decor by reivan13sims (here). The clutter-a-holic converted decor was by lina-cherie but I think she pulled the link :(
Gosh I hope I got everything…
OH wait. Right. Japanese style windows and the rest of the walls… Well, I’m not sure where I got them and all the download info is in kanji :( If i can find them I will post the link.